
Mutani is a rebellion marked against the oppressive and exploitative nature of the fashion industry, alongside the capitalocene that has broken our imaginations and blocked the formation of creative spirit.

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More about

To subvert this system they are staging a creative coup; inviting and onboarding a digital fashion “unitive” to drive actions between the most radical fashion designers and digital creators of our time. This curated network is aimed at producing digital fashion that galvanises players to explore raw acts of self-expression in games and the metaverse.

The goal is to be the premier source for the most far-out fashion in the cyber-scene.

The game-ready assets we develop are listed on specialised blockchain platforms with the profits equitably distributed amongst our contributors. In this way, we aim to help members of our unitive to achieve creative and financial emancipation that feeds back into real world realisation.

Active campaigns

Event & campaigns

When we organize an event or campaign with Mutani, you will find all the information you need here. Stay tuned!

No upcoming or ongoing campaigns

You are not lost in space! There are currently no upcoming or ongoing events or projects.


Archived campaigns

Previous events & campaigns

Twitter Spaces: Bridging IRL to URL in Fashion

Guests: AlphaVerse, Mutani & Maison DAO

We will reveal a surprise during the Spaces, and it might get physical!


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