TCG World

TCG World is the largest open world blockchain based game where players can earn TCGCoin 2.0, gather NFT collectibles, own virtual real estate, create, explore the game world, control their own online businesses, or just have fun. 

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More about
TCG World

TCG World introduces a new approach to NFTs, making it more than just a piece of art - now players can take their NFTs into the virtual game world and play. Everything a player owns in the metaverse is an NFT - real estate, vehicles, pets, trophies, and even player avatars. As part of the entertainment, TCG World will also host live collectible card game tournaments at the TCG World Stadium.

While exploring TCG World, a player will find a lot of different kinds of creatures powered by artificial intelligence algorithms. One of the characteristics of these creatures is called evolution level. Creatures found in the wild as a common rule have the first level. Creatures are tameable and once caught can be relocated to a player’s plot land.

TCG World

TCG World is here to build the next virtual home for humanity


The Metaverse is filled with games, collections, puzzles, and social activities for all ages and interests. It's your playground!


Meet the strange and bizarre creatures, called Sprites, that roam the Metaverse. Catch them to earn collectible NFTs which you can sell, trade, or take them into battle.


In the Metaverse, furniture, houses, creatures, art, and more are all NFTs that can be bought and sold. Some will be rare. Some will be valuable.


What will you do with your own plot in the Metaverse? Build a dream home, an art gallery, a dance club , a mystery house, a park, a restaurant... the opportunities are endless.

TCG World perks

for MetaRing owners

  • Unlock a special wearable for your in-game avatar. This wearable offers exclusive access to the MetaRing Clubhouse and upcoming events in the TCG.WORLD metaverse.
  • The clubhouse is located in the beautiful Asia district. Other utilities and experiences will be added in the future… Are you ready for it?
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Community with focus on NFTs, Metaverses and Web3 games

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